Workers Compensation Examiner


Careers at the Board OUR MISSION: The New York State Workers' Compensation Board (Board) protects the rights of employees and employers by ensuring the proper delivery of benefits and by promoting compliance with the law. Our success in fulfilling this mission relies on our approximately 1,000 employees statewide, who bring their talents to the Board in many diverse types of roles. We're excited to announce upcoming exam titles to fill important positions at the Board. The exams below have an application deadline of August 14, 2023: Assistant Workers' Compensation Examiner Workers' Compensation Examiner There are many benefits to working for New York State! Employees receive comprehensive compensation packages, including excellent health and retirement benefits, and work-life balance options such as telecommuting and alternative work schedules. Most positions in New York State government require candidates to take competitive Civil Service examinations. The Civil Service website (click the APPLY button) provides information on current, tentative, and archived exam announcements, test guides and resource books, as well as how to apply online. To apply, please click within! recblid io17qmy39mxdxf4argmsvi3fbvw238

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