Sales Representative


Sales Person Albany based Steel Service Center is looking for an entry level sales person position. Must have good math & computer skills. We will train the right individual. Full time position, fair starting salary and benefits offered. Send resume to[email protected]. No phone calls, please. In the early 1920s, F. Arthur Hundorfer worked as a regional sales manager for Carnegie Steel Corporation. Hunsdorfer was responsible for covering all of upstate New york, from Newburgh to the Canadian border, on both sides of the Hudson River. Due to the lack of bridges across the Hudson in the 1920s, Hunsdorfer usually only made sales calls on the eastern side of the river in the winter when he could drive across the ice. He would put the car in neutral and place a weight on the accelerator to hold it down. The country as a whole, and Albany Steel, prospered and grew rapidly. The stock market crash and depression in 1929 and the 1930s slowed growth, but Albany Steel was always prosperous. In the early 1940s, the preparations for war and the later outbreak of war brought a large increase in government contracts, many originating through the Watervliet Arsenal. At the same time, steel shortages reached epidemic proportions. Albany Steel had many more orders than they could fill. Steel mills went into production 24 hours a day, seven days a week trying to meet demand for raw material. Albany Steel's military contracts, including one to fabricate escape hatches to be mounted to the bottom of tanks, got priority over other work. recblid luligaidzyt8szwztcen4r0j8iib42

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