Proposal Writer


Salary: 51,782.40 (annually) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: As it relates to the FRF Central Support and Regulatory positions: Research ARPA to evaluate grant information and opportunities; advises management of potential opportunities; develops, writes and edits grant proposals and oversees and maintains grant projects. Develops, writes and edits required monthly, quarterly and annual Federal and Navajo Nation reports. Assists with writing and editing agreements including memorandums of understanding, memorandums of agreements, letters and other correspondence, procedure or policy. Assist Program Manager/Department Managers with developing and writing system of processes and procedures to achieve program goals and objectives and measure progress. Assist with reviewing/editing language of projects to ensure regulatory compliance with Federal and Navajo Nation regulations, policies and procedures. QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: (Education, Experience and Training) Minimum Qualifications: A Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Public Administration or closely related field; and four (4) years of experience in proposal writing, grant writing or grant administration; or an equivalent combination of education and experience. Special Requirements: Possess a valid state driver's license (To receive full credit for education, certification, or licensure, transcripts, copies of degrees, certificates, and other appropriate documents must be submitted along with employment application.) Special Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Knowledge of grant funding policies and procedures and applicable regulations. Knowledge of community planning concepts, principles, techniques and practices. Knowledge of restricted fund accounting principles, procedures and standards. Skill in analyzing and interpreting financial data and preparing financial reports, statements and/or projections. Skill in the application of applicable organizational forms to concentrate resources on community development needs. Skill in verbal and written communication. Skill in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships. Active professional membership in a grant writing association/organization ***CLICK TO APPLY and SEARCH "PROPOSAL WRITER" ON OUR JO

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