Account Clerk


NOTICE OF VACANCYThe Whitehall Central School District is looking to fill the position of Account Clerk.This is a full-time, 12-month position that serves as support for the Elementary School Principal.The candidate must have knowledge of Microsoft and Google applications, organizational skills,phone etiquette, attention to detail, and exceptional quality of work. The candidate must also have strong interpersonal skills and the ability to interact with staff, students, and community members on a daily basis.Minimum qualifications: Graduation from high school or possession of an equivalency diplomaand must be Washington County Civil Service Eligible or hold the position of Account Clerk. Theappointment is provisional based upon the successful completion of the appropriate CivilService Exam.Salary/Benefits: $16.73/hour and benefits per the CSEA contractStart Date: July 1, 2023Apply, in writing, by June 19, 2023 to:Mrs. Adriana Strong, Elementary PrincipalWhitehall Central School DistrictPO Box 29Whitehall, NY[email protected]recblid ffz5ibwuhy701p4ai10yvp5ocxc116

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