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VS Beer & wine / Smoke shop / drive thru

Calificación: 4,2
Reseñas: 5

Localidad: -

Dirección: 6448 W Glendale Ave, Glendale, AZ 85301, Estados Unidos

Código postal :

Horarios: lunes:De 8:00 a 24:00; martes:De 8:00 a 24:00; miércoles:De 8:00 a 24:00; jueves:De 8:00 a 24:00; viernes:De 8:00 a 24:00; sábado:De 8:00 a 24:00; domingo:De 8:00 a 24:00.

The main difference between ale and beer is how they are fermented, as ales use top-fermenting yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) that thrives at a warm temperature (60 -70 F) during fermentation, whereas lagers use bottom-fermenting yeast (Saccharomyces pastorianus) that thrives at colder temperatures (35-50 F). What Is Ale Best For?

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