Empleos de San Diego

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PTC is looking for cleaning Tech / PTC Solicita personal de limpieza/conserjeIn the Downtown San Diego area / En la area de Downtown San DiegoExperience required / Experiencia requeridaSchedule: Mon, Tues, Wed (6:00-2:30pm) Sat & Sun (1:00pm-9:30pm)Horario: Lunes, Martes, Miercoles (6:00am-2:30pm) Sabado y Domingo (1:00pm-9:30pm)Clean ALL public areas of private communities / Limpiar TODAS las […]

Senior Software Engineer, Staf

ENGINEERING MaxLinear, Inc., a semiconductor solutions provider, has the following degreed/exp. position(s) in Carlsbad, CA & unanticipated worksite may be reqd: Senior Software Engineer (Ref# AA-MXL) 40 hrs/wk; $111,322-$143,060/yr; Staff RF/MS IC Design Engineer (Ref# GH-MXL) 40 hrs/wk; $128,606-$156,400/yr; Staff Power Systems Engineer (Ref# DV-MXL) 40 hrs/wk; $128,606-$156,400/yr. Mail CV w/ ref# to MaxLinear, Inc., […]

Regional O&M Engineer/PM

ENGINEERING Kapsch TrafficCom USA seeks Regional O&M Engineer/PM in San Diego, CA. to Provide Systems Integration support for ETC, ITS and BOS Systems operations & maintenance to the West Region. Responsible for: technical teams & transition of projects from Delivery into Operations. Bachelors degree in Eng., Electronic Eng. or related + 3 yrs exp as […]

Nana Domestica Cuidador Niñera en Guadalajara

Domesticas Ordinola . Pone a su servicio personal domestico documentado . Debidamente Investigado .Personal Disponible en todo el País:Recamarera, Cocinera, Sirvienta, Doméstica General, Servidumbre, Mucama, Auxiliar del Hogar, Niñera, Puericultora, Nana, Canguro, Mayordomo, Sirviente, Mozo, Chef, Chofer, Jardinero, Mayordomo, Enfermera, Gericultista, Guardia de Seguridad, Ama de Llaves, Enfermera, Cuidador ó Cuidadora de Adulto Mayor con […]
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